Wednesday, March 21, 2012


After nearly two years of writing this blog, receiving almost 2200 hits and being read in countries from Iran and Iraq to Malaysia, Russia, China and about 30 other countries. Countries I never would have dreamed of reaching.  I finally got one person who didn’t argue with what I was saying only that I was saying it and it “junked up his mailbox.”
Friends should not get into political discussions. I agree. But I am not trying to persuade, well maybe, but I am trying to affect some thinking. Some of what I write is based on personal experiences and, frankly has no right or left view attached. Some of what I had written has to do with baseball, sports seasons, and personal points of view on some of the commercials we all see on TV.
Am I guilty of writing about the social-economic situation on this country? Yes.  I write it as I see it and I always state that it is my opinion, decide for yourself. None of this is dogma. I recently wrote about the Republican race as being like a clown car. Lo and behold Bill Maher and several other commentators used my analogy after I published my blog. I may have readers that I don’t know about, but I do know that I am followed on Twitter and I know not how to use that account. 

I write about things that truly upset me – such as the right wing war on women. This is blatant. It is disgusting, this is overt and I blanch to see women that are supporting it. As a father of two daughters, a daughter-in-law, a wife, three granddaughters and a step granddaughter I cannot stand for the possible torture of these people as prescribed by some of these newly enacted laws. Want to be GCBs, OK – but keep your probes and hands off of my kids!

I do my research. I actually read about this stuff. One article I wrote was prompted by a friend who said that he resented that he would have to pay a $1500 tax when he sells his home to pay for the Affordable Care Bill. Rather and argue, who knows, I researched it – no such tax exists and I proved it to him.

This blog is posted on  Facebook and  it is Tweeted. You have choices – read it or not. The same as if I e-mail it (actually Blogspot captures some e-mail addresses from my Contact List and sends it)- just hit “Delete.” It takes less time and effort than sending me e-mails telling me about too many e-mails that you are receiving. That is when I hit “delete.” 

The good news is that the e-mails I get are really nice. The writer does not always agree with my point of view but does respect the fact that I illustrate my view with respect (Clown Car article excepted). Others have enjoyed the blogs about the Super Bowl, Spring Training and other articles  that are lighter in their tone and subject.

That is the beauty of electronics and digital transmissions. There is almost unlimited storage in the mail box. Even room for junk! So, if my words are “junking” up your inbox, I will try to eliminate your e-mail address from the auto send. I have looked into this and so far I haven’t found a way to do that. It appears that I will continue to “junk” up your mail box, sorry!

We live in a society that allows for us to say what we think. That is a wonderful way to live and I want to insure that it continues. This is the best way I know how to get involved, to communicate my thoughts, to ask you to think about it and to create some levity from time to time. 

That is my take – you decide.

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