Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I have been doing this since 1983! Taking little known, high tech, consumer products to the mainstream market. This is not an ad, I have a website for self promotion (, but this is a reality check for many small entrepeneurs who have a great product, limited manufacturing and even more limited sources for marketing. In the 27 years that I have been at this it is the guy with the most marketing dollars that wins - almost always.

But what if you don't have the dollars? Can you win? The answer is, "yes." The secret or not so secret is to guerilla marketing. There are many books written on the subject so I won't try to over simplify the technique - but in a nut shell, do what got you to this point and do it again and again. Samples - send plenty, join the social networking sites, go to trade shows and work the booths with your literature, read badges and if the badge says "buyer" stop and talk to that person. Be professional but never be afraid to admit that you are in the learning process and need help - they will help you.

Follow up. Be persistent but be respectful. Know the market segment that you want to attack. Is this a Radio Shack product? Is this a Best Buy product? I this is better on line sell than an instore sell? If you can answer these questions then you know where to attack - but you can't do it alone.

If you have a half of a million a year in business to give away then talk to a distributor - maybe they will listen.
Tech Data, Navarre and Ingram Micro service about 100,000 accounts while their catalogs have thousands of vendors and SKUs. That is alot of noise to contend with and frankly you will get lost in the hubub!

There is another way to get attention and the benefits of distribution: aggregation. No, not aggravation, aggregation. There are a few worth mentioning, but Global Marketing stands out - they give the vendor the attention they need. But remember, it is marketing dollars that count and they tend to make the dollars count more with their PR programs and Channel Launch Programs.

Having an aggregator does not relieve you of your responsibilties - no way. You have to talk to the buyers, check out the reseller opportunities and help direct the marketing effort. In nearly three decades I am still amazed at the vendors that think they are beholding to the distributor. Frankly, I have met and still meet buyers that think that you owe them - what a crazy attitude. I  remember when Compaq decided to go direct, some distributors almost went under. Without your products they have nothing to sell.

Be proud of your products, and prouder still of the effort you have put forth. Pick a logistical partner and create turnover and profits - remember you are in command.

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