Monday, June 7, 2010


You have Twitter, but that is limited to a set number of words. I am always amazed when I look at the pocket calendars (remember them in the olden days) each day has a few words of wisdom at the bottom of each page. They were great - but why can't I remember them? Facebook is also a way to vent or give advice or get advice. But you have include the immediate world of about 2500 of your closest friends (go ahead - name them). Blogging is the best way. Say what you want and those that are interested will read it.

That is the key - gettting your blog read. I share this on Facebook and Twitter - just the link, I don't want to take up that much space on those sites. Those with nothing to say take up  may too much now. Most of the people on these sites have little say or little that is worth reading. Inside jokes don't cut it and being tagged is no big deal. Yes, it is a way to stay in touch with some people, but if you look at an earlier post of mine, I strongly suggested that voice commuications works best for that.

By the way, when you type a blog you use more than your thumbs - you use many fingers and your brain. To say something with a few words requires little  brain power - most of what I read is stream of conscieness and that takes heart.

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