Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It was a celebration of sorts at the Nokia Club at LA Live! While the Democratic Party had few contested races, it was the launching of the election season. This would be a great time to own a TVstation, the GOP spent about $50 million just to ge to this point in the process. I digress!

Since the primary election coincided with the Lakers vs Celtics game from Boston, the celebration was held up until the entire room, save a for a few, could celebrate. Standing next to hiz honor as he cheered every basket from the Lakers and I cheering every attempt from the Celtics,  refused to give him my address as I could expect a call from the Assessors office for my basketball loyalty. I reminded him that I was a Dodger fan and even did the PA anouncing at the stadium for part of a game. He was not impressed as Fisher scored - that impressed him! He was cheering purple as I was trying to impress with Dodger Blue.

In any case, he is a fan. I know - I saw him blow off two interviews to watch the game. The good news is that the young lady from the AP did get her uninterupted time with the mayor right after the game.

Now let the games really begin! We have at least two more basketball games to go, hopefully, three. Then it will be all politics. I don't know who will win the basketball championship or the elections but what I don't understand is why it is so important to spend millions of your own dollars to get a job that pays so poorly in terms of the investment. If I was 6'10" I could play for the Lakers and if I had $30 million I could get elected and be for the "little guy", too! I am not and they are not.

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