Wednesday, August 17, 2022


It has been 12 years since I started to write this blog. I decided to look back at some of the blogs I wrote. Some were personal in nature, some were just observations,  i.e Dodger Stadium., Thailand, etc. Other blogs look at the current scene and those are the ones that seem to hit home. The reason they hit home is that they illustrated the fears I have for our society and now I see the fears being realized. I do worry.

I never ever thought I would see what we all saw on January 6th. I never thought that I would have my president so blatantly lie to me. I never thought I would witness, experience and see mainstreamed AntiSemitism. I wrote about my not being big on G-d, but I love my tradition. I am a Jew.

The leadership we have in our Congress, for the most part, sucks.  There are some good legislators. too few as of now and less, it appears after January 1, 2023.

As I look back I recall a blog I wrote in May 2017. It has been five years and the times are even more scary as nutty people think Trump is great, so do I  . . . 

except for the Flynn thing and the Manafort thing
and the Tillerson thing
and the Sessions thing
and the Kushner thing
and the Carter Page thing
and the Roger Stone thing
and the Felix Sater thing
and the Boris Ephsteyn thing
and the Rosneft thing
and the Gazprom thing
and the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
and the Azerbajain thing
and the “I love Putin” thing
and the Donald Trump, Jr. thing
and the Sergey Kislyak thing
and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
and the Russian Business Interests thing
and the Emoluments Clause thing
and the Alex Schnaider thing
and the hack of the DNC thing
and the Guccifer 2.0 thing
and the Mike Pence “I don’t know anything” thing
and the Russians mysteriously dying thing
and Trump’s public request to Russia to hack Hillary’s email thing
and the Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
and the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing
and the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
and the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
and the Cyprus bank thing
and Trump not releasing his tax returns thing
and the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing
and the election hacking thing
and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
and the Steele Dossier thing
and the Leninist Bannon thing
and the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
and the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
and the Trump reassurance that the Russian connection is all “fake news” thing
and the Spicer’s Russian Dressing “nothing’s wrong” thing
and the Chaffetz not willing to start an investigation thing
and the Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation thing
and the The Lead DOJ Investigator Mary McCord SUDDENLY in the middle of the investigation decides to resign thing
and the appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by Trump in the Trump university scandal appointed to head the investigation thing
and the The White House going into full-on cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and subsequent firing of Flynn thing
and the Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama thing
and the Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything thing
and the Agent M16 following the money thing
and the Trump team KNOWING about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway thing
and The Corey Lewendowski thing
and the Preet Bharara firing thing but before he left he transferred evidence against Trump to a state level Schneiderman thing
and the Betsy Devos' Brother thing
and the Sebastian Gorka thing
and the Greg Gianforte from Montana thing
and the Pence actually was warned about Flynn before he was hired thing
and the Pence and Manafort connection thing
and the 7 Allies coming forward with audio of Trump's associates in an incidental wire tapping thing
and the Carter Page defying the Senate's order to hand over his Russian contact list
and the Trump wants to VETO Sally Yates' testimony thing
and the Trump trying to discredit Yates thing
and the Obama told Trump personally about Flynn thing
and the COMEY thing
and the meeting with Russian foreign minister upon the order of Putin thing
and the sharing of highly classified top secret information to Russian Foreign minister thing
and the invitation and hosting of Turkey's dictator thing

and I just wanna find 11700 votes thing
and the taking of classified materials thing
and the threatening of a poll worker thing
and the withholding of support of Ukraine thing


SO yeah there’s probably no-thing there!

There are too many things that the Mango Menace did and wants to do, even as he is out of office (don't tell him that) that will help or accelerate the destruction of our democracy. Democracy is a fragile concept that has worked for 246 years so far. The US citizens have protected that democracy with vigilance but now the 2022 version of the Kool Aid drinkers wants to help him destroy the democracy in favor of an authoritarian type of government. (check the Mount Airy people's expression of support).

I cannot wait to see him in a jumpsuit that matches his complexion.

That is my take - you decide.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Now For These Messages . . .

 I have stopped writing my blog about the same time that the Mango Menace took office. There was nothing that hasn’t been written by some one that I could expand or expound on. He was an easy target so I said I would let others shoot the arrows.

But during the past two years I have realized a pet peeve, not a political peeve such as having a guy from a state with fewer people than many small cities deny rights and the ability to sustain themselves, to those few people and the other millions that he does not represent.

The peeve that really gets me is the number of commercial messages there are in between dramatic productions, talk shows and quiz shows. Thank heaven for TV recorders, but that works only when viewing a recorded show.

By the time you get back to the show you forgot the plotline, or where the show was in its presentation. On the View, which I love to watch, is one of the worst offenders. When Whoopi says we will be right back, who is she kidding?  I understand this pays her and all the people involved in the show’s salaries. However, I cannot recall any of the some of the commercial’s brands. Except for one which is so annoying, I mute the TV and my radio when “1 800 Kars for Kids” comes on. They will never get my car!

When I did pay attention, I learned about various skin diseases, healthful drinks, Alzheimer’s disease, homes to put relatives in when they have the disease, which is the better burger, autos that you can’t afford but must have. There are so many commercials for prescription drugs, one could contract hypochondria.  I could go on but I would be like the commercial break with 10 or more, yes 10, or more commercial messages and promos in one commercial break.

I have a DVR recorder and I love it.  I can watch Jeopardy in just 20 minutes. That is how I survive watching that show. All the cop shows with various twists do not get lost on me because I can fast forward through the commercial break.

We are being bombarded. When I watch CNN I flip to MSNBC because their commercial messages are not on the same time. I have used the Channel button to move from one channel to another to see if there was something worthwhile to watch. I counted 12 selections and each time there was a commercial running. So, once again, thanks to my DVR.

Netflix, Amazon and other streamers do not have commercial breaks, yet! So, when I subscribe I am paying to avoid commercial breaks.

I recall when a 30-minute show had 27 minutes of content. In Europe you got all commercial messages prior to the show and shows were uninterrupted. Some of the commercial rules were are ridiculous. I recall being in Canada and commercial for Maidenform came on showed the lady in a bra. Just a bra. In the U.S. it was worn over a sweater. Thank heaven that rule changed. How about the rule about drinking beer or other alcoholic drinks? Never saw any one actually down the spirit did you, or do you? No, you don’t!

Yes, commercials are getting more modern. We see commercials for condoms, intimate fragrances, suggestive perfumes, but all right after Kars 4 Kids and a Place For Mom, Velveeta Cheese and Salsa.

So, once again the invention of the year was and is the DVR. The recent pandemic made DVRs popular and a necessity for mental health. So, if this pattern keeps up one day we will be reading a great book and after chapter one, we will get 10 pages of laxatives, ED Promotions, diabetes cures and skin solutions. Ridiculous, you say. So are 10 to 15 non-related commercial messages in two to five minutes while trying to enjoy a medical drama.

That is my take, you decide.

I will be right back after these messages

Monday, October 25, 2021



Let me tell you about my friend, I will, for this article, call him Dave. He is a New York street smart lawyer who likes to teach, to tell jokes, Dave likes to write and likes the simple practice of the law. Especially entertainment law. Why is Dave worthy of my pen? (Now that is a statement just bursting with ego and self importance – BUT it is not that way).

I am happy to pen some information about my friend Dave because I find him to be courageous. It is that simple. He is, by definition, a simple guy who enjoys the simple things of life and values them more than others. He adores his wife and supports her idiosyncratic behaviors. He walks the malls with her. He supports his sons who are high achievers yet always show an immense respect for their father. I admire my friend Dave. He shows fortitude in the face of difficulty, he shows courage when others may cower, he shows support and consideration when others look the other way. He is a simple guy trying to make his way in life. He does it quietly and does is with class.

Dave is an intellect though he often does not give himself enough credit for being a creative thinker – for him it is sometimes easier to adopt ideas than create them. This is a guy that passed the BAR in two different states – the first time. He can create ideas. He has written situation comedies that were successful. He writes blogs on legal issues. He is published in a myriad of places where his ideas have influenced other’s thinking.

My friend Dave is loyal. He is always thinking of others and asking how they feel. But why am I compelled to write about my friend Dave – because he has courage to step out of his comfort zone, reach for the sky and do the most difficult thing any person can do deliberately – make someone laugh!

Stand on a stage and make someone laugh. You don’t know fear until you try that. You don’t know humility until you done that. You don’t know what it is like to be high until you have done that – no drugs required!

Think of standing at an airplane door, 30,000 feet, no parachute, no clothes, just you and the sky and you are ready to jump. If you think I am exaggerating – just try it. Either one, standing at the precipice and tell a joke before you jump or just stand alone on a dark stage with a key light and two hundred pairs of eyes daring you to make them laugh.  Those eyes are taunting you, “Tell me a joke I haven’t heard yet – a funny one. Go ahead – try. I dare you.” My friend dared and he succeeded. That is no easy task and is worthy of all of our admiration.

When you do comedy, you are doing a “set.” In comedy, unlike tennis, you are a winner at “love.”

So, this is the type of guy that I admire - except when they spit out tidbits from Fox News. That is his one failing in life. I don't know what he believes as I haven't asked him in years. Maybe that is my failing, but it was hard for me to accept his points of view at that time as I heard them when I had the temerity to watch Fox.

The point is that a man of courage and intellect can be so influenced by a news organization as that is all the news he gets. Why? 

Now we may understand last January 6th.

That is my take, you decide.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


My son, who is making it a point of going to every major league and some minor league ballparks in the US and Canada does not agree with me. I have been to many ball parks over the years, many that are no longer there such as Yankee Stadium (first iteration), Braves Field (Boston), Sportsman’s Park (St. Louis), Candlestick Park (San Francisco), Shea Stadium (NY), Kingdome (Seattle) and Metropolitan (Minneapolis), to name just a few. Given my age I may have forgotten some.

As I said, I like Dodger Stadium. Great sight lines, easy access (I use the Red Line and the Dodger Express), and I go to the game to see a game. The hot dog, which I love is secondary but a priority. I don’t care what kind of food is available. (One exception – during a World Series game that went 18 innings and lasted till well after 1 am there was nothing at the stadium open and I was hungry. No food of any kind was available at that hour. As long as the game is being played food needs to be sold).

So, I am not a food aficionado at ball parks.  I am a fan of the game and that is why I go to games and that is why I Iike Dodger Stadium, because it is there and baseball is being played there.

Nothing is perfect except the game itself. So, I have some gripes about the Stadium. Last year we spent an hour in the stadium lot navigating our way to our parking lot that we were assigned.  The closed an access road. They know they are having a big turnout by tickets sold, so why do that? Why restrict traffic flow?

Once inside there are many other examples of Dodger insensitivity towards fans. They open just some of the concession booth lines – not all. You can spend two innings waiting for an overpriced coke (more of that later).  Restrooms, depending on the level you are on, are quite far apart. If you got to go you got to go faster cause they are quite a ways away. Some have the same in as out so shoulders are bumped.

While many may think the stadium is a great place to watch a game, there are some things missing. Even Angel Stadium has “tunnels” to get to the seats. As you walk through them to are anticipating the sight of the green grass, the infield dirt and then there it is, all in its glory in front of you. The same for Fenway Park, Wrigley Field and many other ball parks, but not Dodger Stadium. Yes, there are concourses that allow flow but no tunnels.

I have been accused of being a traditionalist. I am my biggest accuser. I like natural grass, check for Dodger Stadium. I like dirt warning tracks, ditto again. I also like white uniforms at home and gray on the road, one more ditto for the Dodgers. I also like high socks and stirrups, OK, some players are wearing them.

I am not in favor of the QVC approach to jewelry. Since when did gaudy jewelry become part of the major league uniform? Players are wearing the C-Flaps on their helmets, that is a good idea. But the drug dealer jewelry not so much. I can see the day that a player will be sliding head first in to second the gold chain around his neck is flopping in the wind the chain gets caught by the shortstop and the sliding body will be safe but his head will be out at third.

Also, I am not interested in your religious preference. That is between you and your god not me and you. By the way, the player’s number is always on the back of the uniform so a large diamond number around this neck tells you about his taste in jewelry, not his abilities. The waste management people wear uniforms but refrain from jewelry. Just below his neck is his shirt already fitted with buttons that should be used. If you are going to work, get dressed. If your work requires a uniform wear it proudly and correctly. That is why It is called a “uniform.” I hate the Yankees, but that team is a traditional team.

Buttons are buttoned. faces are shaved and religious preferences are kept personal. The players all look professional. Like I said, I am a traditionalist.

The cost of going to a ballgame is ridiculous. A hot dog and a drink comes to more than $10. Actually, nearly $12. A cold can of beer is $16. Yet, people are paying it. That is really taking advantage of your fans.

I have always liked that the Dodgers are a winning team, but when they are not it is better for the fan. Seat prices go down, there are half price days at the park.  And there are more good seats available.

As I said, I like Dodger Stadium but I want to love it - but can’t. Here’s the rub. I don’t believe that management cares if I love it. The seven or eight games that I used to go to but don’t now are now big concern of them. The stadium is there, my Dodger Dog is there so I will go to some games but less than I did in prior years.

Again, I like the stadium but don’t love it.

That is my take, you decide.

Last August I vented on the wearing of the uniforms. I vented on the amount of jewelry and not much has changed since then, I am sorry to say. The Dodgers were voted the best looking uniforms by other MLB players recently. They do not need to be adorned by cheap or even expensive jewelry. They look so much better without that glitter.

Friday, August 24, 2018


I am an old fashioned traditionalist when it comes to baseball. It still bothers me some to acknowledge the four finger walk. It hurts to see designated hitters in the lineup. There is more but artificial turf and moveable rooves that is progress, I guess.
But seeing player wearing  jewelry that would make Joan Rivers cry and open shirts that look like the 70’s disco era, that is not baseball.
When fielders get together with the pitcher, they look like an active Al Quaeda cell. Well trimmed beards, OK. But the scraggly beards (as Kershaw’s is) does not make the player a winner. There is an old saying that if you do not shave every day, you are a bum. Then there is the Chasidic look. Justin Turner, not being  Jewish ( I think) has that look down very well. There are other players that have beards that are not even a little trim.
In no way am I a Yankees fan. BUT, they do look professional. Clean shaven faces, shirts buttoned up and the drug dealer jewelry is at home. They say that a uniform is a uniform not a background for bangles and beards.
I saw a St. Louis player with his shirt opened to his waist with no undershirt to absorb sweat. He also had a terrible beard.
Grandal has such a heavy chain around his neck he has trouble negotiating a swing. Sixteen ounces of jewelry and a 32 ounce bat – that is a load to carry to the plate.  Bellinger has two necklaces, one black and the other gold.
Baseball is not clean cut – anymore. Tatoos up and down arms and necks. I know they say they have some significance  but we as spectators have no idea what the significance is. I know that it is personal but I am not ready for my grandsons (one already has them) to have ink ornamentation over his body that he will regret later on in life. Let’s face it, trends come and go but the tats stay.
Religious symbols hanging from the players neck are nice when they are in the locker room or out to dinner. I am not impressed with the size of the cross, how much gold it is, from m experience the size of the symbol and the number of diamonds in it does not indicate the character of the wearer.  It may be the opposite. Gang members sport large religious symbols - they don't appear to get in the way of their behavior or his character. The larger symbol is to show how dedicated he is to his faith but maybe his trying to say something that he feels inadequate in his faith and twenty ounces of gold will endear him to his god. A swing and miss won’t endear him to anyone, fan, players, managers or gods.
In the seventies MLB teams wore softball uniforms with the exception of a few teams such as the Yankees and the Dodgers. I hated the uniforms, as I said I am a traditionalist. I like stirrups not long pants. Some players are getting back to that and I enjoy seeing it. Since the softball uniform shirts had no buttons, they couldn’t be opened to the waist like in Saturday Night Fever.
The open shirt does not make Justin Turner a solid hitter (he is a favorite of mine – but not in a sartorial sense). The crazy beard does not make Turner a better third baseman, but he does look like a Chasidic Rabbi with a good arm. He is outdone by Charlie Blackmon in the beard department.
It is refreshing to a see ball players looking professional. Clean faces, clean arms and their uniforms worn as they were designed. When I visited the baseball Hall of Fame, I was struck by how the players dressed and comported themselves. The photos were inspirational. From their photos  I had no idea what their religious affiliation was nor did I want to know. That was their business. My business was their wins and losses and batting averages.

The old wool uniforms got so heavy and hot hen the player perspired they weighed an addition few pounds, yet their shirts stayed buttoned until they reached the club house.
One last gripe. There are a few players that wear their cap cockeyed. That drives me nuts because I am disoriented when I see the player. I saw a pitcher not long ago with his hat to one side and he got clobbered. So, it is a fashion statement that is not fashionable. That includes flat bills on the cap. The reason for the curved bill is to reduce sunlight coming into the player’s eyes from the sides.
I have vented. I know I will change no players dress habits but they need to know I am watching.
That is my take, you decide.

Friday, April 20, 2018


Was the orange man looking in the mirror when he said those words? More than 2500 documented lies from Trump – but someone else who is not a fabricator is the “liar.” From someone who shared Israeli intelligence with Russian diplomats is not the leaker.

A man who has a record of not paying his bills calls out someone that fulfils his obligations in serving his country as weak and unreliable. A man who was so cowardly that he made sure he was deferred five times has no right to call out and criticize anyone. But he does. According to him, he would have gone into the high school to confront the shooter. That is so laughable it is beyond my comprehension.

Yet, there is about 30% of the population that loves this idiot, and that too is beyond my comprehension. My original theory was that those that support him, in addition to white supremacists, are people that want a major brown out. (That is, if you are brown – get out). I know many of these people and I am so disappointed with them.

The man has no moral compass, or maybe one that just points south. Where does he get off calling good people names?  It is the mirror. He sees himself and knows what he is and then says I will call others based on what I am – not a good person. Not a person of value. He is actually a school yard bully – real scum.

I am anxiously awaiting the video from Moscow. Even if we see him in his birthday suit, he will claim it is not him just like to voice on the NBC tape is not him, according to the lying blowhard.  This guy won’t see truth if it hit him the eyes.

He is also dangerous. He is dangerous to our democracy.  He wants to jail reporters for reporting the news.  Seems like Egypt, Russia just poisons them.  He has no consistency and blames everyone else for the mess he creates.  It come down to this, he talks we listen and then discount everything he says.

If his lips are moving and if his shoulder moves, he is lying. There is no doubt about it, he is lying. Or, he is exaggerating.  Did you hear how he saved the Olympics? How?  He didn’t go as president or an athlete.  His second banana did go and blew a major opportunity to some diplomatic good.

According to some foreign diplomats he is a one man Saturday Night live sketch. He has them all laughing to the point of peeing in their pants. The hookers just peed on him.

We have lost the trust from the rest of the world. World leaders do not believe him. Prime Minister Abe came to the US for the food, his facial expressions told you how he was responding to Orange Man. Mira Lago serves great, tremendous food. So, why not go?

“Mission Accomplished.”  President Bush tried that slogan and it diminished him. Having one airstrike is not winning the war, not even close. Next we will hear how he was in the Situation Room defining targets. His ego is his downfall or will be his major downfall. When he said he didn’t know about the $130,000 he threw his lawyer, not under the bus but in front of it.

There is no doubt in my mind that he will be remembered as a world class liar, world class ego maniac, world class betrayer of people and worst president that this country ever had. In that category he will be number one.

Another alarming thing is he love for “his generals.” He is undermining the Justice Department, the State Department  and others so that he can dissolve his administration and replace the cabinet secretaries with “his Generals.’ Marshal Law is on its way, if it is up to Trump. U.S. Troops on the border is a start. Watch these words,  I am so hopeful that I am wrong.

Bottom line is we created a big monster from a smaller monster. Now we have to find a way to destroy the monster we created. Maybe Mueller will chop him down to size. Maybe he will be wearing prison grays soon but not soon enough. The damage is ongoing and I see no let up from his destructive ways.

November seems so far away. If the government  changes and we get legislators that put country before party we have a chance.  So, let’s be hopeful that November brings about change, that  Mueller gets his man and we, Americans, can get back to our way of life.

That is my take – you decide.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Tass, the wholly owned Russian News Agency is being replicated in the United States by The Sinclair Broadcast Group.  Just as our president is a wholly owned entity by Putin, Sinclair outlets have to repeat their "must air" reports along with the same wording use by the wholly owned Russian entity, Donald J. Trump.

Soon, with our government’s blessing, the Sinclair Group will own about 70% of the news outlets in the United States. This will be our version of Tass. Our Sinclair friendly government is complicit in Sinclair’s efforts.

Yes, their TV stations are required to read “must air” reports that Sinclair sends to them. Now that is true FAKE NEWS. Our “genius” president thinks they are terrific doing tremendous reporting. He now has a second source for intelligence briefings. Fox and Sinclair. The caravans coming from Central America to overrun the US was first reported by Fax News and only reported by Faux News.

How stupid do we have to be to keep dealing with this stupidity? All of the Fox News people should wear a T-shirt saying  ”I’m with stupid.” They have to air that shirt any time they talk about Trump. In fact, all of his “base” should wear that shirt along with the hat that says, “Make America White Again.”

For many years, decades actually, we had laws preventing one company or organization from monopolizing the media, printed or broadcast. We had these laws for a reason. Just look at Russia, Nazi Germany. China – Trumps idols.

When I studied Mass Communications we learned about the FCC rulings and why they were in place.  It was comforting to know that we could go to Channels, 4 (WBZ), 5 (WHDH) or 7 (WNAC) and get three different sources of the facts.  Now we have cable news, so we have traditional news outlets, religious news outlets and government news outlets (FOX and Sinclair).

If you are a Trumper you like the deportations, the browning of America has been curtailed as our government gets rid of brown and  beige Americans. You are an American If you are from North America (even Canada and Mexico) you are American.  If you hail from South America or Central America, you are American. “Americans for America.” A great idea. I am all for it. Explain that to the orange man.

The Trump base, on the other hand, doesn’t want brown Americans here, working or contributing to our society in any way. According to Trump some are good people – just some. Some have families, some work hard, some pay their bills on time, some are religious, some are actually American patriots – his “some” covers almost all of the people  -  like all Americans only 1% or less of us are not good people and some of them, I guess, even voted for Trump.

As I was writing this article, I got an email to sign the petition to stop Sinclair in their effort to create an Orwellian news organization. I signed, put it on my Facebook page so others can sign, too.

Our rights and our way of life are being challenged like never before. Trump idolizes Putin, Mouselini and Hitler along with the dictators in China, in Brazil, in Venezuela and the Philippines. Look out here he comes, Jack Boots and all. He wants a parade to show his strength. The parade according to him, will be largest show of force ever in the world, his will be the best Army, Navy, Airforce. He will have the “bigger dick.” His first step to dictatorship.

These are scary times. He just fired the VA Secretary because he did not want to privatize the agency. He is doing a good job so Trump can’t say it is a “dizaztah” and sell the idea that private companies can do a better job. That is part of his argument about the USPS. When actually the postal department, in spite of the rules on retirement funding, is doing OK and actually profiting from Amazon.  Just a note: Jeff Bezos never filed bankruptcy as did Trump, several times.

The failing Trump presidency is really a mess. They lie like they no other group and when they do it makes me sick – so I have stomach problems daily. The only dizaztah I see is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

If that Sinclair merger goes through, where will we get our news? John Oliver is just a half hour weekly. CNN is also a slave to ratings so they tread lightly on the truth. MSNBC appears to be more in touch, but still cable news.

The kids at the Easter Egg hunt are still trying to figure out what he said. So, is the rest of the population.


That is my take – you decide (soon, I hope)



Thursday, February 15, 2018


After an abundance of mass shootings our country” s “leadership”  are still offering THOUGHTS and PRAYERS. The turtle , also known as the leader of the senate, reiterated that this is no time to politicize the issue. THEN WHEN? We have had enough killing just this year alone to create  a political climate that could eliminate assault weapons and bump stocks. Start NOW!
Be a politician and get some political movement with some spine to make this problem go away. Be a righteous person and get your legislation in gear. Be a religious politician and get the bill going after Schleiisem, after the wake, after Shivah, after you get off the pot. Get a spine and balls, get it done.
But no. It is a mental health problem so Trumps reduces our programs that cover mental health. Look at the president’s budget. Our “leadership” does the opposite of what they say needs to be done. That makes them gold star with the NRA. Is it now being pushed in the Senate that a concealed weapon permit is good in every state? The same idiots in the Congress that offer their thoughts and prayers are pushing this through.
The orange rube in the white house never mentioned guns in his offering of consolation to the victims. We know he needs mental health treatments and he isn’t getting it either – because he is a stable genius. Hey genius, figure this out. Eighteen mass shootings this year alone and we are just six weeks into the year. Along with Trump University, Trump Vodka and Trump ties, sell Trump bullets. Let that enterprise fail as so many other Trump enterprises have failed (including this presidency). It is not funny.
The argument that good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns is BS. At the Boston bombing, there were hundreds of good guys with guns – we call them police. The same in Las Vegas, the same each time. Give more people guns,  give more people the ability to take lives, more lives will be taken, some of the good guys with guns will go down, too.
“A well regulated Militia” means police, National Guard, Army, Marines  - not some uneducated white supremacists, even the ones, the president supposes,  are “good people.” Who is kidding who? Guns are a big business and the guns manufacturers do not want to lessen their distribution. So, hence the GUN LOBBY.”
The kids in Newtowm and Parkland, the people in Las Vegas and victims in the other mass shootings are giving their lives so the Gun Lobby may live. It is sickening. I am also sick of the those that defend it.
The time is NOW. FDR condemned the Japanese on December 8th.  No one suggested that we cool off an then talk about the attack. The time is NOW.  The events of yesterday will fade as Newtown did, as Las Vegas did and nothing will get done, as the idiots in Congress and in the White House wants. The time is NOW.
We have eight months or so the get rid of the weasels. The cowards that want only to be re-elected have to go..  Think of a gun as way to have a late term abortion. Maybe that way the lovers of their “second amendment,”  the amendment that ignores the militia part, will be motivated to do something.
Again, the time is NOW. Today! Start NOW.
But we need leadership – something that this country sorely lacks. Our executive branch is in disarray. They are all, almost all are facing prison. Our legislative branch is cowering under their desks because of the hate mongers that don’t want immigration reform or less guns.
They got to get elected again and again because the perks of office are too good to pass up. No, they don’t and we do not have to elect them and we should not.
My thoughts and prayers are with the citizens of the United States – we really need them – especially the prayers.
That is my take – you decide -- PLEASE

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


These are the two meaningless words I ever heard. Especially, when they are responding to a tragedy. They do nothing to calm the victims, the families of victims, the acquaintances of the victims. Save your breath. Better to say nothing than utter the words that are empty and devoid of meaning  and actions.

“Our thoughts.” What are they thinking? Glad I am not a victim. Someone will ask for more laws to prevent this happening again. The speaker of the empty words wants to deflect the idea so they show some empathy, often devoid of any real caring. More thoughts, the “do gooders” are coming out of the woodwork to ask for and  demand action. That is what the “TandP” idiots are thinking. These are their actual thoughts:

  1. Come up with a talking point like “now is not the time to discuss gun control, opioid control."
  2. Create alternative argument. That is a mental health issue not a gun issue. Or in the case of opioids, we can’t deny those that need them, they will suffer.
  3.  We need to enforce the laws we have already on the books. 
  4. We need more guns so good guys with guns can get the bad guys with guns. No good guy with a gun ever prevented an incident.
  5. We need to build a wall to prevent opioids from entering the country.

These are their thoughts. There is nothing in their thoughts that comfort anyone or create action. Those that say, “our thoughts and prayers are with you,” are full of shit. In order to think you have to have a brain.  When you see members of the government do you see any brains? (Do you see any spines?)

Unfortunately we live in a country with people in legislatures that are focused on staying there no matter what it takes. Remember Speaker Foley. He was replaced by a Term Limits guy who when his term was up wanted to do away with term limits as it applied to him. They want to stay in power. They are always thinking what they have to do to stay. Those are their thoughts. Those are their reasons for inaction. Don’t piss off the NRA, don’t piss off Big Pharma. So, we have an opioid crisis as a result. The NRA is the governing force behind gun laws or the lack thereof.

As the Las Vegas Massacre unfolded the Congress was trying pass a bill that will allow gun owners to buy silencers. So, when they kill you won’t have to deal with the sound of your death. Congress will not take away semiautomatic military rifles. The singular reason for that weapon is to kill people. The last eight mass shootings employed AR15 rifles. I haven’t heard of one AR15 used to get venison. Bump stocks – yes, you can still get them to upgrade your AR15 to increase the kill capacity.
WHAT THE HELL IS IT GOING TO TAKE? I guess as long as we are in their thoughts we are OK. NOT.

Because we are also in their prayers, it is most Interesting that two mass shootings took place in a church while people were praying. It must make them feel better to say they are praying for the victims when they are actually preying on them with the lack of any action on resolving the problems; Opioids or bullet delivery systems.

Prayers, while it sounds so wonderful, who are they praying to and for what? Allah, the god that the New York truck driver spoke of as he ran down the people. The god that was NOT at Sandy Hook? The god that was not at the Sutherland Springs church?  Keep your misguided prayers and DO SOMEHTING.

I AM SO SICK OF HEARING THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!  I want some action. I want the action now.

Stop thinking and start to take actions like passing some bills. Stop calling the problems by what they aren’t. The only mental health problem hurting our society is borne by our president. His statement has created a wall between real  action and bull shit. He actually cut mental health funding.

The gun problem is based in the need for manufacturers to make money, more than they need. They do it with the blood of our fellow citizens. The NRA stands for No Recent Action on any of this.

Bump stocks, silencers automatic rifles, expanded magazines, hollow nose bullets, armor piercing ammunition all legal because of our spineless Congress people, our mentally disturbed president and the NRA. Now, if the people on my block are going to war against the people on the next street, well that explains the need for war materials.  I am for following the intent of the second Amendment and give everyone muskets.

That is my take  - you decide.  (I want to hear your thoughts and prayers)

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Last week I went to my gastroenterologist. My stomach has been in turmoil and I have explosive events when I am not at home or at a restaurant or a friend’s house. She asked me so many questions. Some of the answers were embarrassing.

I am a news junky so I am trying to see if that is the problem. I watch news daily and read the paper every morning cover to cover over my coffee, (which is now decaf thanks to the doctor). Yes, my stomach is better but not yet cured. I drink purified water, too! Lots of it. I am rid of fats, spices and intoxicants. Yet, the problem persists. There are no indications of any contaminants in my diet. Only in my political life.
There is one major contaminant on my screens. It is orange with small hands and blond rat wig on its head. That contaminant can create and upset stomach on any one. It is a disgusting, degenerate germ that is around. It is an epidemic causing viruses in all of our lives.
I will bet by now you have figured out what this germ is! That germ is somewhat tolerated with alcohol. Could I use a drink now!  I usually have one drink day, around 5 or 6 pm. I just realized that the drink coincides with the news. My Trumpareha is becoming chronic.
OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt with regard to the phone call to the dead soldier’s wife. Is he that stupid that he can’t remember what his chief of staff told him to say – My guess is yes, he is. Chalk his bumbling phone call up to stupidity.  Our Commander in Chief, if you haven’t yet decided that for yourself, is stupid. I wish there was some presidential form of Kaopectate. He is creating shit storms that make the recent hurricanes look tame. More trumpareha!
Our country is in much worse shape now that it was January 19 of this year. The decline continues with every boast, every lie, every tweet, every Executive Order, every appointment that has to resign or not get consideration, and every time he wakes up. Make America Great Again, how when he can’t keep America out of the toilet?
I did not know and was not aware of the fact that Trumpareha was contagious. Then I heard mush mouth Sarah Sanders tell us that a General cannot be questioned, then I heard the general. Here’s the thing: The general is paid with tax dollars and when he was a general he was under civilian authority. The general had no deity, only some stars and a good paycheck. He wore a beret not a pointed hat and robes. Sarah Sanders’ sanity needs to be questioned if she thinks the United States of America is religious institution. (Hmmm, her father publicly stated that he wanted the bible to replace the constitution).
The American public has not figured out yet that the orange contaminant wants to be El Deuce of the U.S. He is working the country in that direction and most of us don’t speak Italian. Only a few of our legislators have the guts to say what he is. Above all, he is a mentally impaired person.  So, why hasn’t the cabinet thought about their actions under the 25th amendment?
In the next election we will have no political ads just commercials for medicines that can cure Trumpareha. If trumpareha is not cured then we will all have to live through the smell. It stinks now, imagine a year from now.
My heart goes out to LaDavid Johnson’s family. In addition to the insensitivity they had to smell the residue of trumpareha.
I wonder what the smell is like in the Press Room at the White House. Sarah Sanders has done a great job of proliferating the trumpareha. At least Spicer, when he was there, looked troubled by what he was told to say. He damaged his reputation trying to be loyal to a very prolific defecator. I finally took the Imodium and left the job only to be replaced by the Mooch and no Sanders.
Three hundred and fifty million people cannot take daily doses of Imodium. So what do we do? Simple, make sure our congress people take action before we have a war with Iran, North Korea. Mexico, White Supremacists, and before we deport 800,000 good people,  to replace this contaminant in our government. Soon, I pray.
There is one major contaminant on my screens. It is orange with small hands and blond rat wig on its head. That contaminant can create and upset stomach on any one. It is a disgusting, degenerate germ that is around. It is an epidemic causing viruses in all of our lives.

I will bet by now you have figured out what this germ is! That germ is somewhat tolerated with alcohol. Could I use a drink now!  I usually have one drink day, around 5 or 6 pm. I just realized that the drink coincides with the news. My Trumpareha is becoming chronic.

OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt with regard to the phone call to the dead soldier’s wife. Is he that stupid that he can’t remember what his chief of staff told him to say – My guess is yes, he is. Chalk his bumbling phone call up to stupidity.  Our Commander in Chief, if you haven’t yet decided that for yourself, is stupid. I wish there was some presidential form of Kaopectate. He is creating shit storms that make the recent hurricanes look tame. More trumpareha!
Our country is in much worse shape now that it was January 19 of this year. The decline continues with every boast, every lie, every tweet, every Executive Order, every appointment that has mafe to resign or not get consideration, and every time he wakes up. Make America Great Again, how when he can’t keep America out of the toilet?

I did not know and was not aware of the fact that Trumpareha was contagious. Then I heard mush mouth Sarah Sanders tell us that a General cannot be questioned, then I heard the general. Here’s the thing: The general is paid with tax dollars and when he was a general he was under civilian authority. The general had no deity, only some stars and a good paycheck. He wore a beret not a pointed hat and robes. Sarah Sanders’ sanity needs to be questioned if she thinks the United States of America is religious institution. (Hmmm, her father publicly stated that he wanted the bible to replace the constitution).

The American public has not figured out yet that the orange contaminant wants to be El Deuce of the U.S. He is working the country in that direction and most of us don’t speak Italian. Only a few of our legislators have the guts to say what he is. Above all, he is a mentally impaired person.  So, why hasn’t the cabinet thought about their actions under the 25th amendment?

In the next election we will have no political ads just commercials for medicines that can cure Trumpareha. If trumpareha is not cured then we will all have to live through the smell. It stinks now, imagine a year from now.

My heart goes out to LaDavid Johnson’s family. In addition to the insensitivity they had deal with, they to smell the residue of trumpareha.

I wonder what the smell is like in the Press Room at the White House. Sarah Sanders has done a great job of proliferating the trumpareha. At least Spicer, when he was there, looked troubled by what he was told to say. He damaged his reputation trying to be loyal to a very prolific defecator. I finally took the Imodium and left the job only to be replaced by the Mooch and now Sanders.

Three hundred and fifty million people cannot take daily doses of Imodium. So what do we do? Simple, make sure our congress people take action, before we have a war with Iran, North Korea. Mexico, White Supremacists, and before we deport 800,000 good people. We need to replace this bacteria, trumpareha, quickly.

That is my take – you decide!


Saturday, September 9, 2017


Last night three friends and I went to Dodger Stadium to see the Dodgers lose again. But we enjoy being under the stars and munching our hot dogs, so even if they lose we win. We arrived at the gate, showed the attendant our electronic parking pass and proceeded into the stadium area. That was exactly three minutes to seven. We had 13 minutes to get to our seats. In fact, we could see our seats from the parking lot. They were behind home plate but way above the plate area, yes, nose bleed seats.

We proceeded to get into the traffic that would take us to the lot were needed to get to. Lot P. Normally, we would just drive around the park, pull into Lot P and walk into the stadium down a very steep set of stairs to our seats. Of course there would be a stop to get Dodger Dogs as walking up the stairs to get them would be a cardiac adventure. So, in addition to the Dodger Dogs a pit stop was in order. Simple, yes! Except that we spent an hour in traffic, in the park, to get to Lot P. It was 8:04 pm when we entered The ticket gate.  We missed the first three innings and the first four runs that the Dodgers had score in some time.

It was fireworks night so they blocked off two or three large parking lots.  As a result there was intense grid lock in the park. Like the Dodgers didn’t know that there would be a lot of people coming to the game. The Dodgers were taken by surprise. The organization that boasts the largest attendance of any major league team was not prepared – or they didn’t give a crap as long as you paid outlandish ticket costs, and parking cost that compare with your mortgage payments. The game was a sellout which they knew long in advance. So, they decided to reduce the parking capacity. What! planning? They had traffic going in every direction but the one direction that would take you to your lot.

I have a new car and enjoy riding in it. “Riding” being the operative word  - not standing still for an hour or worse,  not seeing the game I paid to see and not enjoying the brief success that the Dodgers had while inching along, while the whirling Darvish tried in vain to pitch a winning game.

When we finally got into the stadium I went to Fan Services and they gave me a form to fill out that would have taken 30 minutes. So, I opted to take the form with me and send it in after I get home except they don’t have where to submit the form on the form. They really don’t want to hear any criticism after all, they are the Dodgers.

We missed a third of the game and as it turned out to be the best third of a game in some time. For most Angelenos, there is no TV coverage, no Vin and an organization that doesn’t care enough to prepare.  When you decide to come to the park, pay the outrageous ticket price, the $7 for a coke, $7.50 for a bottle of water and $12.00 for a beer, you would think that the Dodgers would prepare to accommodate their fans. The expression that a fool and his/her money are soon parted must be the mantra for the Dodgers.

It took more than 30 minutes to get from the freeway to stadium gate and an hour in the parking areas to get to the lot where we would have access to our seats. What fun – NOT!

Our seats were near the bottom of the section – good seats except if we wanted a drink during the game it was like climbing Mount Everest to get to the concession stands, or the rest rooms.  The whole six innings (what was the remainder of the game) not one vendor came into this section. There was an exception, the fifty/fifty guy pedaling tickets. It appears that some form of gambling is allowed at the stadium, but the biggest gamble is parking.

Two weeks ago I was in New York for the US Open. We took the US Open shuttle from Central Park to Flushing Queens  - a notoriously crowded route under the East River. We did It in less than an hour. Good thing the Dodgers were not playing there we would have missed the first round.  If you care and you plan you can accommodate the anticipated crowds. Obviously the Dodger don’t  give a rat’s ass about the fan.

A few years ago the Dodgers were floundering. Loved it.  There were less people at the park, shorter food lines. – much more fun.  Half price Wednesdays made taking the grandkids to a game was not going to be a life changing financial experience.

My point is that going to a game should be a fun experience. Yell at the umps. Boo the players state your opinions as to who should be in the lineup and cheer the good moments like the one we missed when Turner hit the home run. Not getting aggravated standing still in a road way to get to a parking lot. Not having a kid tell you that you can’t park there, or having no one try to sell you an ice cream bar because vendors don’t go to the “cheap seats”.

The Dodgers have found a way to take the pleasure out of what should be a fun experience.

That is my take  - you decide!