Monday, October 25, 2010


Two hundred million dollars or more has been spent in California alone! That accounts for a lot of TV time. It begs the question, what do you fill the time with? Well, lies work. If you repeat a lie enough times it is perceived as truth. With that kind of budget any lie can become truth. There have been some doozies.

The more money you have the bigger the lies can be. Where is this money coming from? Personal wealth – that makes the idea that someone is running for the good of the people suspect. Why would anyone spend $140 million dollars for a job that is thankless – ask Arnold! Another candidate wants to spend time in Washington in a job that she is uniquely unqualified for – could not even stay as part of a presidential campaign –ask John McCain.

Some the ads are amazing. The images are so polarizing and so vivid, a person just visiting California for the first time would think Los Angeles is a shanty town. Come on! That does not pass the believability test, but show it enough times, I would be scavenging for more cardboard for my roof.

The bigger question is who is paying for these ads? We know the candidates are paying for some. But Citizens for a Better Yesterday or the Committee for New Blood, or the Council of Yellow Flowers are just some for the fictitious groups (I made them up because I couldn’t remember them all) – who are these people and where do they come from? Where is the enormous amount of money coming from? Aren’t we in a down economy – who has that kind of money? What company or what country?

A gubernatorial candidate has been likened to George Washington – she does have a resemblance – no doubt about it. She has also been likened to Pinocchio – she does have a resemblance, no doubt about it.

One senatorial candidate is made to look very old – her lines are showing. I guess if you don’t use Botox to dull the brain and get rid of wrinkles, you are not worthy. Did you see the eye brows on Jerry Brown? That photo could have been Andy Rooney! PhotoShop is great. Now you if could only add candor and veracity with PhotoShop.

My favorite is the side by side comments by Whitman and Schwarzenegger are classic. The same words, different mouth, different time, different day! One trick ponies with the same script. I do believe that Carly will create jobs so she can find a way to offshore them – that will be her export policy. As both the governor and the hopeful governor have said doing the same things over and over again leads to insanity (or something like that). Listening to these ads will also lead to insanity. That is where the DVR comes in – just fast forward!

Monday, September 27, 2010


We all have pet peeves. Some are really annoying, some are dangerous behaviors and some are just plain pains in the butt! When I see a mother in an SUV on the phone with kids in the car running a stop sign - that really gets my goat! (Sometimes a father!) When I see two cars abreast of each other stopped and the divers are having a conversation and blocking the street - I really get pissed. When an 18 year oild waitress addresses my wife and I as "you guys," - that is annoying.

When I am watching a TV program and the news anchor comes on and poses a question such as "Nuclear attack, we will tell you where at 11!" Now you've go my dander up and my blood pressure as well. (DVRs are great for not getting that teaser.) AND ... when I get the message when I call an 800 number, "Our agents are busy helping other customers." Wow, all the other customers are more important than me - good to know how they feel about my business.

Everyday there is somehting that annoys us - some things more than others and to some people they just don't get annoyed! In this day of tough economic times, we try to make our days as pleasant as possible, these people who block streets or talk on cell phones while making illegal turns really want to ruin the day for me. If I could only tell them!

Facebook - that is really strange. I see parents communicating with their kids - who live in the same house, by posting. I see people revealing their innermost feelings that should be kept private being shared with their 1600 friends, most of whom they don't really know! Who cares - we have our own problems. Frankly, I don't care if you are going to the market, or the beach or to the doctor or to a poker game or walking in the mall - why do I have to know? Why do you have to tell me? (I don't have to look, either, but I do - it is entertaining).

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I buy a shirt and I go to check out. I fold the shirt so that the price tag is exposed for scanning. BUT, the cashier insists on unfolding it, scanning the tag and rolling the garment up like a rag and throwing it in the bag. So, I ask some questions such as, "do you thnk that the shirt is wearable now?" "Why do you feel the need to destroy my property?" 'If this was your shirt would you want it?"

Now that I have vented I want to hear from you. What are your pet peeves? What pisses you off? (Don't tell me people who write blogs about being pissed off!)

Friday, September 17, 2010


"The Internet says." "I just Googled it." "Bing banged the data home." I know know that I am going to die with the disease that I have, or not!

We are all individuals and react chemically, physiologically and mentally to our bodies. We know when to go to the doctor, if we should go to the doctor and how long we can put off going to the doctor - after all the Internet says I have six months to live so I got time.The other web site says I have more than a year - well that was because I hadn't been in Tasmania in the past 12 months - does Tarzana count? Wait! I found a web site that says I will live forever. Forever, that is a long time, hmmm!

Here's the rub. We have a world of information at our fingertips and we read everything as if it was written just for us. Because it is in writing it is gospel. But self diagnosis is at best dangerous. We have a great deal of information without the data to back it up. So, we do go to the doctor. We are ready for the worst because the Internet says so.

Recently we had a family member who got sick with a viral infection. He spent seven days in the hospital, he had more images of his body taken than Lady Gaga at the MTV Awards.They suspected so many things and found - nothing. No, he had something, but the answer to what it might be was never found - nor will it ever be. The problem resolved it self in two weeks.Some anti-biotic and plenty of fluid. Get the fever down and some food, if he could. The Internet was sure he had Hepatitis A, maybe some other exotic infection, limes disease, mono - run down the list, take your pick, test for them all.. The Internet knows. It knows symptoms, treatments, medications, side effects, but the Internet does not know the patient.

The cadre of doctors preformed so many tests that they ran out of machines. Literally, there were no more machines to scan, poke, nudge and annoy the patient. A simple thermometer was the indicator of the progress of the patient. It appears that the severity of any illness is in direct proportion to the amount of information on the Internet and how many machines that the hospital has that they can bill for.

I can recall when I had a similar set of symptoms. I did not go out of my neighborhood without my mother's permission, so travel was limited to a few blocks. No exotic tick bites. When I walked in the house, I was light headed, dizzy, running a fever and threw up. My mother called the doctor. He said I had the Grip. Give him fluids, best rest and keep him cool for about two weeks. It worked. My mother paid the doctor about $5 for that regimen.

In spite of the tests and all the Internet data, this patient was monitored with a thermometer, kept cool, got plenty of fluids and lo and behold he is better in two weeks. Where is good old Doc Shapiro when you need him.(He'd be about 123, if he were still alive).

Is there a moral to this story? No. Just see the doctor and tell him how you feel and not what Internet says you should feel.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


That is what we found stamped on the Jacker Crack prizes, toys, some other low cost items that we found in the five and ten or the drugstore. (Dating myself, am I!). The one thing that these products all had in common, they were crap.

 Fast forward a few years and we have "Made in China."  These products, too were crap. And many still are considering the materials that are used to make these items. Lead in the paint and other dangerous materials they use to keep the costs down. Would you trust a sipping straw that said it was made in China? That is what it said at the hospital where we got  a drink. The problem is that we, Americans, don't make anything anymore. Maybe that is an exaggeration,or maybe not. How many factories are there in your city? Of the ones that are functioning, what do they make?

Go to you local Home Depot and look for made in the USA on products that sound like USA products. Tools, power tools, building materials, all made in China. Consider the drywall made China that was corroding wiring and creating unhealthy conditions for new homeowners where they had to tear the home down - now that is crap. There is no pride in workmanship.

What happened? Starting in the 80s our government said that we should build things cheaper, borrow more money to buy them things and we will all prosper. The government gave tax credits to companies that moved their manufacturing off shore - and the companies obliged by moving manufacturing to places we only heard about in musical comedies - such as Bali, Sri Lanka, etc. and of course China where slave labor was real cheap and there were no unions.

It started with Ronald Reagan, who famously said and we forgot that he said it, "Taxes should hurt." "Deficits don't matter." He forgot to enumerate who taxes should hurt - after all it was the middle class that pays the bills for the top 2% of the US. Since George Bush (W) took a surplus, gave tax cuts to the top 2% and went out an borrowed the money to pay for it, he agrees, deficits don't matter. Where did the borrowed money come from - yep, China!

In an overstatement, let me say we don't make anything in the US anymore. Remember when the GOP wanted not to bail out the auto companies? They want to continue to make things elsewhere - even if it is crap. Toyota is a good example of crap wrapped in a pretty package. Their opposition was so overt it screamed "I am being paid by Mazda, Infiniti and other made somewhere else products. Yes, there are factories in the US assembling parts made in Japan - lower wages are being paid to assemble there cars - no union benefits such as health care, vacations, pensions, etc. I am not a big fan of unions, but they have their place - and they are not where they should be.

Be careful - we are in a time that Seinfeld called Bonzo time. Up is down and down is up. The United States Chamber of Commerce is not part of the US Government, bet you didn't know that. The 95% of Americans that got tax cuts are convinced they got raises - Bonzo! Letting the Bush tax cuts expire and return to where they were is not raising taxes - it is reducing borrowing - but you are being told it is an increase in taxes. They want us to pay back the loan to China for that tax break - now that is crap.

Oh, but don't pay any attention to this stuff - the Muslims are building a terrorist operational center at ground zero. Look there, that is where the problems are all coming from! Or, watch out of all of the illegals coming in to the US taking our jobs and beheading citizens. Now this is real crap - made in the USA.

Friday, September 3, 2010


There is a new movie coming out call "Outsourced." It is supposed to be a comedy but I find nothing funny about it. Have you seen the commercial with a guy spouting an eastern European accent who calls himself Peggy and the only English word he knows is "yes." Many US companies are outsourcing middle class jobs - where does it stop.This is the reason why qualified graduates of United States universities and high schools can't get jobs. It is not the immigrant that sneaks into the US at night that is taking the jobs - it is the Dells, the Hewlett-Packards, the Intels, the Bank of Americas that are taking the jobs and sending where the pay is little and the number of people that fill them is amazing.

Why are they doing it? Pretty simple:
      1. Lower wages to pay
      2. No benefits to pay - sick pay, vacations, personal time, etc.
      3. No unions to consider
      4. No 401Ks or any retirement
      5. No health care (how many smaller US companies have located in  Canada?)

So, these companies find their Peggys. If you call your computer company you are talking to India - they will tell you Kansas. Complain about a charge on your credit card - your are talking to someone in Manila. What is disgusting about this whole process is that the people this policy most hurts are the people that are demonstrating for more such policies. Tea Party sound familiar?

Many are demonstrating and are vocal about the Health Insurance Bill. These people, (many who are on unemployment) are supporting the hundred million dollar salaries of the Insurance execs. It never ceases to amaze me that people can be so vocal and so adamant about being against their own self best interest.
My heaven, how cruel, the government says that the insurers must use 80 cents of every dollar I pay them for my healthcare towards my healthcare - how can they company make any money that way? How can the execs get their bonuses? Please, charge me more - so they did - up to 39% more and these who are demonstrating asked  for it.

So, to divert attention, we as a people created an "immigration" problem. When I go to Home Depot. I have never once seen anyone I know standing out there and looking for work. The high school kid looking for summer work is not there. He is doing in store training in hamburger preparation because the job in the factory is gone off shore. The college graduate is not there - they are beating their brains out asking where is the job I am trained for? Ask Peggy, yes!

Not every job can be outsourced but look what happens to the jobs that are left! A hundred people are applying for the same open position. That position used to pay about $30 an hour. You want the job - how's $15 with no benefits?

The right wing does not want money for small business loans that would employ more people. No way! They just killed a $30B bill that would do that through local banks. No, keep them unemployed is their motto. Kill unemployment benefits - keep them hungry is their motto. Then these same people point fingers and say that they can do better if in power. I am not sure what that means but I don't want to find out.

Time to get smart. Sound bites are hazardous to our health. Diversionary tactics like the Mosque that isn't, that is being built at Ground Zero that isn't. The Dick Morrises of the world think we are really stupid, let's stop proving it to them. Then you have HBO - Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly - they could be a singing group the Poison Sisters.

I guess I am jealous. I wish I was a CEO with a $100M a year income that is being protected by hundreds of thousands of unemployed people. At least I would say "Thank you."

With love, Peggy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I never gave much thought to "bucket lists." Of course I saw the movie with Jack Nicholson and it did give me some food for thought. But long before the movie came out I had a "Twenty things I must do before I die" list. Over the years I kept modifying it because some things just weren't worth doing or my perspective has changed or they were accomplished.

Here are some of the items on that list that have lost their immediate importance. It means that while they are now off the list, I will still try to accomplish it. 1. Meet a US President, 2.Visit Australia, 3. Improve my Hebrew reading, 4.Teach a college class (already did that, but would like to do it again).

I just gave my son a bucket list book that contained 162 things to do revolving around baseball. This book is solely focused on that which is baseball -  that is not a bad thing - but it does not account for other accomplishment unless they are part of the task. I did 63 of the 162 leaving 99 to accomplish. However, if you reduce that list by what interests me - maybe just about 60 are left. No one list fits all. But, as I said, I have had a "twenty things to do" list for about 20 years. Here are some of the items in that list. The items in italics above need to be done, the items in regular type have been accomplished - and by the way, there is nothing wrong with doing it more than once but give yourself only one credit.

Here goes: 1. Doven at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, 2. Tour Italy, Spain, Germany and France. 3. Visit a concentration camp, 4. Spend a day with a grandchild, 5. Have a suit custom made, 6. Fall in love again, 7. Re-marry, 8. Kiss someone in public passionately, 9. See a great Broadway play on Broadway, 10. Lend money to some one without expectation of payback. 11.See a grandchild become b'nai mitzvah,12. Feed a hungry family.

Here is the great thing about living - once you've done them, you still need to have a populated list of 20. I have 12 down, Also, replace those items that are no longer as interesting. So, here are more items that made the list and I have done them:  1. Fly in a hot air balloon over some exotic location (did that in Luxor Egypt), 2. Land on top of a glacier (did that in Alaska). 3. Swim in the Dead Sea, 4. Climb a Pyramid, 5. See the Sphinx.

You might ask, what is left to do? See Fenway Park, Wrigley Field - done that, too. Leave a dollar where a kid who needs it will find it. Visit Australia. Make a very sick kid smile and their families feel good for a day or more. That is why Make A Wish is so important to me.

Everyone needs to make a Bucket List no matter how old or young you are. It is a dynamic list, ever evolving, ever changing. Some are self centered and some are very altruistic - they must all contribute to your sense of being alive I have been lucky enough to have done so much more than I ever expected to do in my lifetime. What that has done is led to a longer list of things still undone.

Make your Bucket List(s). Let me know how it is going and the unusual things you have done or are wanting to do. I really think that you will find it revealing!

Have a great list!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Or so it seems. The Arizona law which is a mirror of Federal Law and that of California is aimed at the brown citizens among us. Repeal of the 14th amendment – that is also aimed at the brown people among us and maybe some of the yellow skinned people, too. If being born in the USA, no matter how that occurred, what constitutes being an American?
Some people waiting for citizenship have served in the Armed Services while waiting to become com Americans. I would think that serving this country would make you a patriot and an American. Not so when you are stopped and asked to produce proof of identity and national origin.
These laws appear to be aimed at the poorest among us. But what about the hospital in Houston that advertises for people of wealth to come to the US from China, Europe, African nations, Australia to get inseminated, have a baby and get a US Passport for the child. How do we handle that?
The argument is that undocumented people drain the system. What about the wealthy here on visitor’s visas? They actually pay into the system. They pay cash for everything. Having no papers and being in the US is NOT a crime. It is a major inconvenience. Working without a visa is a crime – but hiring someone knowingly that they are working illegally is also a crime. Want to feed into the system – collect the fines from the employer – they are better able to pay it than the exploited worker.
Since the job market has been somewhat dry, the number of illegal entries has significantly gone down. From the published statistics, more people arrive by airplane that are illegal than try to cross the desert to come to the US.
Why the uproar? Simple, it is history repeating itself. Can’t blame the government for the economic conditions of the country – so we need someone to blame – brown people come to mind immediately. Remind you of anything that happened duringr the Great World Wide Depression in the 1930s? Jews, Catholics, Armenians, Gypsies – they were all responsible for the economic situation. Don’t believe it – just ask the Nationalist Socialist Party!
Our problems are not going to be solved at the borders or airports. Try the Senate! Some of these right wing senators have a weird view of patriotism. They have plaques in their offices saying, “America First.” On the back it says made in China. Everything you buy in China says made in China. In the US we have the same thing – Made in China.
These same senators were outraged that the Stimulus Package stipulated that only American made goods can be purchased with that money. They, the right, took it out. It these guys that hate America! Well, maybe not America because that is where their money is made – they hate Americans so they won’t allow us to make the money. Kill Social Security, no minimum wage, no benefits, make sure that private insurance is as expensive as hell, and what, a public option, so that people other than pure white Americans can have access to healthcare – that is un-American!! They love their country but hate the people who occupy it.
All I am saying is be careful. Hate is becoming disguised in many ways. Don’t be caught up in it. Andrew Breitbart is the perfect example of feeding the hate. We must stop and think, wait for the whole story and the facts. I am really frightened of the propaganda. I voted for Proposition 8. But my reasons where purely mine at the time. Now, I feel that when divorce is made illegal (due to the "sanctity of marriage") then I will vote for another Prop 8 – until then, who cares as long as there is love, not hate!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Just like so many other people, including the Phoenix Suns basketball team, I was outraged at this new law about to take  effect in a few days.It was compared to the 1930s and 1940s in Europe when the people were asked to "Show me your papers!" That brought up so many negative images that I was mad, angry and ready for a fight. Boycott Arizona - great idea - they have to pay for that law. Cancel next year's All Star Game - that'll show them! You can't get away with that kind of law - or can you?

I live in California and was very surprised to find out that we have that law already in place. What? In my state they can say, "Show me your papers!" Well, yes - in fact in any state they can say, "Show me your papers!"But first you have to have done something to be in the presence of a peace officer who will ask, "Show me your papers!" It is only after a legal stop do you have provide identification. That is also true of the Arizona Law. The law does not allow for stopping  someone just to determine ID, or if you have auto insurance, which is mandatory, or a license or a a valid registration. Do something- get stopped. Have a broken tail light - get stopped. Talk on a cell phone - get stopped.
How many times have you heard, License, registration and proof of insurance, please." (Not too many I hope, those tickets can be expensive). Even when I go to my medical center they ask for picture ID in addition to the medical insurance card.

Federal law requires that anyone with a green card or work permit have that information on their person at all times. Just like your driving license or state ID. So what is the big fuss about?

It is pretty well accepted that the Arizona adoption of this mirror of Federal Law is more of a PR stunt than a real change in immigration law - which Arizona can not do - no state can do that. It is aimed at the people coming across their border to create mayhem - stifle drug trade, lower crime and eliminate violence, calling attention to the fact that the people of Arizona are paying attention. Does this law smack of racism - yes, because it is aimed at a particular group of people. That is a consequence of this act. Good people coming across to work, and they often pay taxes, will suffer and so will the farms and industries that usually hire these people.

I was once told by a friend that he had three people working for him that had the same SSN. That was many years ago, but all three paid FICA and withholding taxes. Not one of them ever drew from the system.Yet, these people, paid into the system, were good "citizens"  have broken the law. Do I have a solution to this - no way. I am not sure that there is a solution. But we as Americans, must be judicious and caring, sympathetic and vigilant. We cannot tolerate violence, drug trafficking, people smuggling or human trafficking. This Arizona law mirrors Federal Law. It is a message that yells to the government, "do more!"

That is just my opinion - and now what is yours?

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Since I "retired" about a year ago. Actually, I can't recall the exact day that I "retired." It may have been the day I ran out of clientelle (I actually still have three clients, and they do require some attention and work), or it may have been the day I realized that I could do other things during the time I normally alotted to making a living. Yep, that was the moment I retired to a variety of activities that I never had time for before. I can now get involved.

So, I became a member of the Los Angeles Police Volunteer Surveillance Team, I joined and got trained by Make A Wish Foundation, volunteered for the Democratic State Convention (for which I got a Certificate of "Appeication") and now I am working as a volunteer for the FanFest surrounding the All-Star Game in Anaheim.

Giving back to community is very satisfying. Helping the police is also a great deal of fun. How many of us, as children, wanted to be a policeman? The officers that I work with and the others that I have met (not through an open car widow with license in hand) are really great people and very professional. They do put their life on the line every day - wearing a gun is a major responsibility that has not been and won't be part of the VST. So, I have new respect for the people with badges (except when the car window is down and I have my license in hand).

Make A Wish is truly gratifying. These kids all smile. If you can add to that smile you are sitting on top of the world. The families that I have met are courageous. They get that from their child - because what they are facing is beyond comprehension. The hours of treatment, the side effects and emotional isolation, the knowledge of their health condition should dictate that they be sad and even somewhat bitter - the kids that I have met have infectious smiles and great attitudes.

The feeling that you get when you can make their wish happen is worth everything! The interaction with the families is amazing. As a parent and grandparent I wonder how I would have handled this type of life event. I have had to deal with adult catastrophic health problems. That was very difficult - but I could communicate on an adult level. What blows me away is how educated these kids are about their conditions - they know and they face their lot with smiles. I try to make the kids feel good and at the same time I make myself feel good, too.

Then there is the All-Star Game in Anaheim. I have my training, my shirt and hat and my credentials. I am still a "kid." My heroes will all be at the FanFest and I will get to meet so may of them. So many Hall of Famers will be there and of course thousands of people that will need directions to the rest rooms. I just want to make it a good day for them and a great day for me.

So now I have a chance to get involved in charity and community. That makes not being productive, productive.

Friday, June 25, 2010


I was just at a conference where a major reseller of IT products, both hardware and software was opining about Cloud Computing. What would be the impact of the “cloud?” And the best question asked, “What is the cloud?” I am still not sure – at first I thought of a hologram where you see the image but know that it doesn’t exist in actual form. You can walk around a hologram, see all sides of it, but yet you know that the image is not solid – it is transparent and it really isn’t there. It exists in some dedicated space. The first time I saw a hologram was at Disneyland. Is this the nature of the “cloud?”

More and more businesses, large and small will soon find out. Even individuals that use backup systems such as Carbonite are using the cloud. Quicken and other data services that store and allow you to have access to your data from anywhere at any time is considered, I think, as part of the cloud.

Why does the cloud scare large scale resellers and the smaller retailer? It is simple, you don’t need as much hardware or software as you did when all your capabilities were in house. So, as one executive put it, all you need is a few laptops, a printer, a scanner and smart phones and of course a router, you can run your business 24/7 from anywhere there is internet access.

There are some security concerns regarding the cloud. Is the data secured? Don’t really know – but is your data secure from hackers getting into your servers and PCs? Is the cloud securer than your office – probably so due to liability issues. Can a worm get into the cloud and steal data? Don’t know. I’ll bet everyone reading this has experienced a worm at one time or another.

What if the cloud bursts and it rains data everywhere? (I like this analogy). Don’t know if that can happen because the cloud is made of many services across the net, so your rainstorm may not be a cloud burst.

If you don’t think cloud computing it is happening, then get your head out of the clouds. It has been happening for a while. Social networking sites store contact lists, data, resumes, corporate data, personal data – all in the cloud – accessible 24/7 from anywhere. Shutterfly, Kodak, SmugMug and other photo sites have been storing your images for years now.Your financial data is stored on Quicken on the net if you choose to do it that way. The question that needs to be answered is how best are you going to use the cloud? Your business can benefit as you do have access to data whenever you need it. Customer data, financial data, logistics data, inventory data – all of this is available and managed in real time all the time. This can be done from a $300 netbook.

The major question is security. Companies like Wave Systems have come up with sophisticated systems that protect data from the hard drive to the cloud. Providers of cloud services have better and more sophisticated security systems by the nature of the business and the exposure that it could bring.

So, as Al Jolson sang so many years ago, "When you see those gray clouds upon the hills, they are not gray clouds, they are daffodils. . . “

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I have been doing this since 1983! Taking little known, high tech, consumer products to the mainstream market. This is not an ad, I have a website for self promotion (, but this is a reality check for many small entrepeneurs who have a great product, limited manufacturing and even more limited sources for marketing. In the 27 years that I have been at this it is the guy with the most marketing dollars that wins - almost always.

But what if you don't have the dollars? Can you win? The answer is, "yes." The secret or not so secret is to guerilla marketing. There are many books written on the subject so I won't try to over simplify the technique - but in a nut shell, do what got you to this point and do it again and again. Samples - send plenty, join the social networking sites, go to trade shows and work the booths with your literature, read badges and if the badge says "buyer" stop and talk to that person. Be professional but never be afraid to admit that you are in the learning process and need help - they will help you.

Follow up. Be persistent but be respectful. Know the market segment that you want to attack. Is this a Radio Shack product? Is this a Best Buy product? I this is better on line sell than an instore sell? If you can answer these questions then you know where to attack - but you can't do it alone.

If you have a half of a million a year in business to give away then talk to a distributor - maybe they will listen.
Tech Data, Navarre and Ingram Micro service about 100,000 accounts while their catalogs have thousands of vendors and SKUs. That is alot of noise to contend with and frankly you will get lost in the hubub!

There is another way to get attention and the benefits of distribution: aggregation. No, not aggravation, aggregation. There are a few worth mentioning, but Global Marketing stands out - they give the vendor the attention they need. But remember, it is marketing dollars that count and they tend to make the dollars count more with their PR programs and Channel Launch Programs.

Having an aggregator does not relieve you of your responsibilties - no way. You have to talk to the buyers, check out the reseller opportunities and help direct the marketing effort. In nearly three decades I am still amazed at the vendors that think they are beholding to the distributor. Frankly, I have met and still meet buyers that think that you owe them - what a crazy attitude. I  remember when Compaq decided to go direct, some distributors almost went under. Without your products they have nothing to sell.

Be proud of your products, and prouder still of the effort you have put forth. Pick a logistical partner and create turnover and profits - remember you are in command.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It was a celebration of sorts at the Nokia Club at LA Live! While the Democratic Party had few contested races, it was the launching of the election season. This would be a great time to own a TVstation, the GOP spent about $50 million just to ge to this point in the process. I digress!

Since the primary election coincided with the Lakers vs Celtics game from Boston, the celebration was held up until the entire room, save a for a few, could celebrate. Standing next to hiz honor as he cheered every basket from the Lakers and I cheering every attempt from the Celtics,  refused to give him my address as I could expect a call from the Assessors office for my basketball loyalty. I reminded him that I was a Dodger fan and even did the PA anouncing at the stadium for part of a game. He was not impressed as Fisher scored - that impressed him! He was cheering purple as I was trying to impress with Dodger Blue.

In any case, he is a fan. I know - I saw him blow off two interviews to watch the game. The good news is that the young lady from the AP did get her uninterupted time with the mayor right after the game.

Now let the games really begin! We have at least two more basketball games to go, hopefully, three. Then it will be all politics. I don't know who will win the basketball championship or the elections but what I don't understand is why it is so important to spend millions of your own dollars to get a job that pays so poorly in terms of the investment. If I was 6'10" I could play for the Lakers and if I had $30 million I could get elected and be for the "little guy", too! I am not and they are not.

Monday, June 7, 2010


You have Twitter, but that is limited to a set number of words. I am always amazed when I look at the pocket calendars (remember them in the olden days) each day has a few words of wisdom at the bottom of each page. They were great - but why can't I remember them? Facebook is also a way to vent or give advice or get advice. But you have include the immediate world of about 2500 of your closest friends (go ahead - name them). Blogging is the best way. Say what you want and those that are interested will read it.

That is the key - gettting your blog read. I share this on Facebook and Twitter - just the link, I don't want to take up that much space on those sites. Those with nothing to say take up  may too much now. Most of the people on these sites have little say or little that is worth reading. Inside jokes don't cut it and being tagged is no big deal. Yes, it is a way to stay in touch with some people, but if you look at an earlier post of mine, I strongly suggested that voice commuications works best for that.

By the way, when you type a blog you use more than your thumbs - you use many fingers and your brain. To say something with a few words requires little  brain power - most of what I read is stream of conscieness and that takes heart.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


In fact they can be the worst. I remember selling Telefax Machines back in the 60s – great for transmitting documents across the street or across the country. But the system had one flaw.

It needed a second unit to receive the transmission and this second unit needed to be turned on!

Many of the population are carrying these wonderful new pocket assistants that have hundreds of apps to find your way, a restaurant, an address, a recipe and much – much more! They are very effective and efficient because it is the business of the server that app connects to is on all the time. I saw someone playing Scrabble with another person electronically. In that game it is understood that the other player will respond when they log on. There is a two way communication there because the players both know that the communication is happening. You can’t play by yourself but what if the other party is not part of the game – they don’t have the iPod, Droid or other miraculous device? Then you have no game and your device it is worthless. All that technology gone to waste.

The same is true of communications. If the receiving party has no such device, or you are sending e-mail and you have no idea as to when the recipient will be checking their e-mails or if their system is actually on or if their system is down – then you have a wasted bundle of technology. You didn’t communicate. Even if the recipient did receive the e-mail but it was several hours or days later – again worthless or worse – a missed opportunity.

What’s the answer – a simple answer is use the 15 square inches of wonder as it was first intended: pick up the phone and speed dial the phone. Even if the recipient is not answering you have several options that are immediate: leave a call back number, leave a message or even do nothing. The missed call is recorded and the recipient is alerted. Then a call back and the communication is complete and usually in a timely manner.

They say going back to the fundamentals is the best way to grow. My suggestion is just that – go back to basics. Pick up the phone and dial the number and then say, “hello.” The sound of your voice, your intonations and speed in which you deliver your message tells as much or more as the words you use. Then there is the sound of your voice, that is the next best thing to being there and having this conversation face to face. A phone is a phone, sound is personal, not texting or e-mailing.

Anyway, you get the message, right? Mr. Bell invented this and he can't even text!

Monday, May 24, 2010



It was not Murder on the Orient Express, it was religion on the fast train from Antwerp to Paris! But after my experience, murder seemed appropriate. There I was sitting with my Belgian associate, Michel, a young Asian man and an Orthodox Chabad Rabbi. We were all heading for Paris with different reasons for being on the train, but there we were, together, traveling south at more than 300 kph!

After passing through Brussels I asked the rabbi where he was headed. The rabbi indicated that he ran a Chabad Yashiva in Paris and he was heading home.. My associate and I were headed for Le Bourget, a suburb of Paris that hosted the Paris Air Show and has a sad history of exporting Jews to concentration camps during World War II, for a meeting. The young Asian fellow remained silent.

There we were, traveling at 300 kph plus through the country side of either Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany or France. At that speed, who knows what countries were whizzing by? Now we arrive in Paris. I have to check my luggage in a secure locker area. It was like airport security. It was so hot in there and till I found a locker in the back of the facility that would accommodate my luggage, I worked up a good sweat.

Now after fighting the ticket machines that did not like any of our plastic cards  and walking mile to the platform we were on the local train to Le Borget. Then after a “local” lunch in a local brasserie, we walked to our meeting – or at least we thought we were walking the eight blocks to the building. After about a mile, we tried to get a taxi.. However, there were none available. Now we are going to be late for a meeting we traveled through four countries to get to! I stuck my thumb out got a cab to stop and pick us up.

 So much for walking or directions! That building was designed not to be found! The meeting went well in spite of it being held in an office that doubled as a sauna.

We were now back on the local train to the Paris Nord station. There I would connect to the EuroStar train to London under the English Channel. First I had to retrieve my luggage. Getting to England meant standing a in a long, stagnant line to buy a very high priced ticket from people who just didn’t care (the French)!

 I boarded the EuroStar train for Waterloo Station, London! (Waterloo – now I know why Napoleon didn’t like that name). Two and a half hours later, I have my 70 lbs (31.2 kg, according to the locals) of luggage and make the trek to get to the Underground for the ride to Heathrow where my warm, comfortable bed and room service awaits!

But, you must buy a ticket! There are ticket machines everywhere. Just put in your credit card and out pops the proper ticket to ride. That is how it is supposed to work, It didn’t work in Paris why would I think it would work in London? However, after exhausting all the plastic in my wallet, the ticket window finally opened and another line was formed. I now have a ticket to ride the Bakerloo Line to Picadilly Circus where I have to change trains.

There were several flights of stairs – many up and just a few down and one escalator. Once again, bathed in sweat, I arrive at the proper Underground station to go the one stop to Picadilly Circus. Getting off at Picadilly Circus I looked for the Picadilly Line to Heathrow – just a mere 15 stops or so. Up, down, (mostly up)  around, through this passage way to another passageway up stairs – down stairs – 70 pounds of luggage in hand – all three bags and I arrive at the platform where I will board the train that will take me almost home – that is – after the bus ride to the hotel from Heathrow and back to Heathrow and the 5200 miles in the air! This is the last train ride!

Because of the terrific down pour, the train was painstakingly slow! But nevertheless I arrived at Terminal Two – Heathrow airport and it is late!. I find my way to stop number 12 to take me to my hotel. Once again, I have to buy a ticket to ride. Of course there are ticket machines to buy tickets and as it was at Waterloo and Paris the ticket machines at Heathrow refuse to read my plastic. So, I asked the bus driver to drop me at my hotel and I would then pay him for the ride. “No, get off, I can’t do it, get money to buy a ticket before boarding, get off, get off, get off,” he said with no empathy in his demeanor or voice. So, in the rain, back into the terminal, up a flight of stairs down a corridor to a cash machine which read my card without a problem. Got the 10 pound note I needed for a ticket and the tip I would not be giving to the driver.

As we arrive at the Hotel I wondered what might else go wrong – I was soon to find out! “Mr. Freedman, we were waiting for you, you had a day rate and you didn’t arrive!” “WHAAAT?” That was my constrained response!  She added, “We are sold out. Everyone at Heathrow is sold out.” We are, in fact, oversold!” ‘WHAAAT?” “I can get the manager for you,” the polite desk clerk offered! “WHAAAT?”

The manager arrives and repeats what she had said. I was experiencing some hypoglycemia and my hand was shaking – my voice was shaking and I was about to shake Heathrow!

“Please have a seat and I will see what I can do!” So I sat and waited. Mind you it has been 14 hours since I left the hotel in Antwerp and to say I was close the end of the line – well that was true of my emotions and my location, I was very close – closer than the manager wanted me to be!

“I can squeeze you in,” he offered. It will be about 225 pounds.

“With breakfast?” I asked.
“Free movie?.”
“Free internet?”
“A bed?”
“Sign me up!”

For more than $350 I was determined to stay in the room to last possible moment before gathering my luggage to venture to Heathrow! Upon arriving at the American Airlines counter and hearing “Mr. Freedman, you are all set on flight 137 – leaving on time,” I decompressed!

Friday, May 21, 2010


We are living in a Blackberry world! It wasn’t so long ago that I expressed regret that I did not take typing 101 in High School. Watching my wife cruise the keyboard like a stenographic super woman, made me jealous of the amount of text she could out put while I still, after all these years, have to look at the key tops to insure that my typing reflects what I am thinking. Of course here is spell check!

My first Smith Corona portable typewriter entered my life at age 14. More than a half century later, I am only slight better at typing than I was then. It is not a matter of just speed, it is a matter of spelling, spacing, hyphenation, indents and so much more that makes written (typed) page a work of art! Be sure, I am among the vast majority who are NOT artists! Of course ther is spell check!

But I got along just like so many others! When I hired my first secretary more than 35 years ago I asked two basic questions: How fast can you type? (I have a cousin that once hit 90 words a minute). And, do you take shorthand? Later, working for Dictaphone Corporation, shorthand was not a requirement as we had telephone like devices on our desk. We just picked up the handset and started talking. We could say whatever was on our mind into this device as it was called the “Think Tank.” Somewhere a stenographer was typing our thoughts at blazing speed on typewriters that had balls whacking away on the paper in a blur!

Those were the good old 70s and 80s! Stenography was a career! Need a stenographer, just dip into the “pool.” They did it all – took your thoughts converted them to scribbles (shorthand), then typed them on correcting typewriters and voila – your thoughts on paper, spelled correctly with the proper punctuation and in one of maybe seven typefaces that IBM has on their infamous balls!

Now that we have desktop, laptop, netbook and notebook computers along with iPhone, Treos, Blackberrys and other devices that fin into a small bag, pouch, belt-clip or inside pocket, the world has changed - or has it?

Instead of using the Typing 101 we are still hunting and pecking on small keyboards with three of four key fingers. Laptops and notebook PCs do not accommodate fat fingers. So, even the best typists are somewhat slowed due to scale. Now let’s get into those Palms, iPhones, Droids, Treos, cell phones, etc.

“We are all thumbs” has a new meaning! Left and right thumbs are the new source of information. Left and right thumbs connect with the rest of the world. Just as Emperor Nero would put his thumb up or down to indicate whether the combatant would live or die, our thumbs do the same – will the deal live or die ? We thumb are way through the process no matter where we are.– will we have the meeting or not, we will have the date, is it a deal – so many questions rest on how well our thumbs communicate.

Even the worst typist can manipulate thumbs – after all, it is just two of our ten fingers. My thumb was once a proven method of transportation and now it is proven method of communication. My thumb got me all over the country, now I use it to get all over the world – instantly! My thumbs do not have to obey any posted speed limit! Thumbs take me to wherever I need to go with my thoughts and words.

Remember shorthand? It is back. Instant messenger made thumb based communications even easier as words are not required. “cul8tr.” “50.” So many cryptic messages, “cub.” The new shorthand! You bet! After all, how much work can two thumbs do? There is a new etiquette or a lack of etiquette that is acceptable when using just thumbs. Spell check not required.

We had to know this was coming. So many states have vanity license plates these days. There have been some very compelling messages on these plates with just seven letters.“htgrdma.” “l8agn.” Hot grandma and late again – for those of you who are ‘Thumbish” Language challenged.

For those of us that sort of miss the good old 70s and 80s where the English Language, and other languages of the world were all typed on a QWERTY keyboard, take heart.

Your left and right thumbs compete favorably to that stenographer who whizzed across the keyboard creating machine gun like sounds that would make a marine gunner proud! We have our thumbs to thank. Is it not our thumbs that separate us from primates?

Pull out your Blackberry, iPhone, Treo or Droid. Start creating information that will impact the world or your world, at least. Write that one great book that supposedly resides in us all. You can do it with just your thumbs. Imagine how fast you can create the tome of tour life if you are using “u” for “you.” “l8t” for “late” or “st8” for “state?” get out the dictionary of Thumbish or get a teenager to assist, they have the latest “411.”

As you can see all this technology made the world an easier place to be, that is, unless you are all thumbs!

©Saul Freedman, May 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Why would anyone want to go to Egypt? Napoleon did, Rommel did and we did. Because that is where the pyramids are - all 97 of them. They range from the Giza plain to Sakkara in the south (which is Upper Egypt).

We were asked that question many times and the question was answered when we stood next to the Sphinx and the great pyramids. The question was answered when we flew over the Valley of the Kings in a balloon. The question was answered when we stood at the temple at Abu Simbel and gasped at the size of the statues and detail that ranges in age from 3000 to 5000 years old.

We have all heard about Tutenkamen - but how many have actually seen him? He is now on display in his tomb. We weren't allowed to take photos there, but the image of his ancient body is emblazened in our memories.

The trip we took was organized by Oversees Adventure Travel. This is NOT an ad for them but they did a great job for 15 solid days. Our trip leader, Emi, was like a mother hen - making sure we were all taken care of every minute of every day. Emi was also a major source of Egyptian information - more than we could ever absorb but we were all captivated by the stories and the history.

Why Egypt? Because you can go back - society as it was 3000 years ago still exists today.

If you call OAT mention my name!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



With digital cameras so prevalent and easy to use and memory cards that can hold thousands of hi-res images, it is tempting to snap away wherever you are. Holding the digial camera at arm's length to view what is on the screen makes us look like zombies - especially if we are walking toward the subject.

Go to a tourist site and just watch. It is great fun to see the would be Ansel Adamses walking into other people, tripping over little steps and not being satisfied with the image they got.

I reallyhad fun at the Louvre watching peopele take photos of the Mona Lisa. The painting is protected by glass and the would be photogs are taking pictures with their flash and getting pictures of their flash - not Mona!

Rule of thumb - if you can see yourself in the reflection don't shoot. Move off to the side or disable your flash. Now that presents a problem because your camera may tell you that you need to make a time exposure to get the photo. Anything longer than 1/30th of a second will probably show camera movement (hold your arms steady in front of you for 1/30th of a second - bet you can't).

Tip: Find something to brace the camera with. Find a railing, a wall, a counter - anything imobile should work.

Most of all have fun and be sure to edit.